2013 NEET Biology Questions and Answers

NEET 2013 Biology Questions Solved (1-10/11-20)
NEET biology Questions
21. A sedentary sea anemone gets associated to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is
(1) symbiosis
(2) commensalism
(3) amensalism
(4) ectoparasitism
22. Which of the following is not correctly matched by the organism and its cell wall degrading enzymes?
(1) plants cells-cellulase
(2) algae- methylase
(3) fungi-chitinase
(4) bacteria- lysozyme
23. Product of sexual reproduction generally generates
(1) prolonged dormancy
(2) New genetic combination leading to variation
(3) Large biomass
(4) Longer viability of seeds
24. Which of the following represent maximum number of species among global biodiversity?
(1) Lichens
(2) Fungi
(3) Mosses and Ferns
(4) Algae
25. The eye of octopus and eye of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform similar function. This is an example of
(1) Homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution
(2) Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
(3) Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution
(4) Homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
26. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the endocrine system?
(1) Organs in the body like gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney and liver do not produce any hormones
(2) Non nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amount act as intercellular messenger are known as hormones
(3) Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland
(4) Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus
27. Which one of the following organelle in the figure correctly matches with its function?
NEET 2013 questions
(1) Golgi apparatus, protein synthesis
(2) Golgi apparatus, formation of glycolipids
(3) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum, protein synthesis
(4) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum, formation of glycol
28. A phosphoglyceride is always made up of
(1) only saturated fatty acids esterified to a glycerol molecule to which a phosphate group is also attached
(2) a saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified to glycerol molecule to which a phosphate group is also attached
(3) a saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified to a phosphate group which is also attached to a glycerol molecule
(4) only a saturated fatty acid esterified to a glycerol molecule to which a phosphate group is also attached
29. During sewage treatment, biogas are produced which include
(1) methane, oxygen, hydrogen sulphide
(2) hydrogen sulphide, methane, sulphur oxide
(3) hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, methane
(4) methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide
30. Which of the following criteria does not pertain to facilitated transport?
(1) High selectivity
(2) Transport saturation
(3) Uphill transport
(4) Requirement of special membrane proteins
21. (2) commensalism
22. (2) algae- methylase
23. (2) New genetic combination leading to variation
24. (2) Fungi
25. (2) Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
26. (2) Non nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amount act as intercellular messenger are known as hormones
27. (3) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum, protein synthesis
28. (2) a saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified to glycerol molecule to which a phosphate group is also attached
29.(4) methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide
30. (3) Uphill transport
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